Any good fisherman needs a breadth and depth of superb fishing excuses. The minute people see you with rod and reel returning from a trip they will want to ask you “catch much?”. Do in order to save face you need a good excuse on the tip of your tongue. Here are my tried and tested quality excuses:
- Overfished
- Global warming
- North wind
- East wind
- South wind
- West wind
- Dull hooks
- Cheap line or tackle
- Followed another fishermans advice
- No sandeel about
- Too sunny (fish are all at the bottom)
- Too dark
- Too cloudy
- Powerful winds
- Light winds
- Wrong time of day
- Brought the wrong tackle
- Fish are overfed/not hungry
- Reel kept crowsnesting
- Sky is too clear
- Not enough time
- Sea too still
- Sea too rough
- Tide too strong
- Tide too weak
- Jinxed
- Fish aren’t around
- Incorrect lure colour
- Fish facing wrong way
- Wrong moon phase.
Top Tip – you can use a combination of these excuses for even better effect.