The Ultimate Mince Pies by Wild Tide

Who doesn’t love a Mince Pie at Christmas? I consider every day in December that I don’t consume one, a massive failure. I’m going to share my favourite recipe with you so that you can make your own Ultimate Mince Pie.

Mr Kipling, eat your heart out…

Mince Pie Ingredients
  • Plain flour (370g)
  • Butter (80g)
  • Lard (80g)
  • Salt (Just a pinch)
  • Water (chilly)
  • Mincemeat (580g)
  • Milk (just a touch)
  • Icing sugar (for decoration)
You Will Also Need:
  • 6cm Cutter
  • 7.5cm Cutter
  • Two trays of 6cm patty tins
What You Need To Do
  1. Start off by making the pastry. Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl and add the butter and lard. Now rub it all together until it looks like fine breadcrumbs.
  2. Next add the cold water until it makes a dough that will leave the bowl clean. (Be careful to add the water slowly and a little at a time.)
  3. Wrap the dough up in cling film and then place in the fridge for 25-ish minutes.
  4. When the fridge time is up, roll the pastry out as thinly as possible.
  5. Then use the larger cutter to cut 24 rounds. Grease the patty tins and place a pastry round in the bottom of each.
  6. Next fill each to the top of the tin with mincemeat.
  7. Use the smaller cutter to cut another 24 rounds which will be the lids.
  8. Damp the edge with water and place a lid on top of each mince pie, then push round the edge to seal. Poke two small holes in each and brush each one with milk.
  9. Finally bake in a pre-heated over at 200° for 25-ish minutes (every oven is different, keep an eye on them!)

I hope you enjoy the Mince Pies and that you feast on a facefull of fantastic food this festive season.

Using your sieve to sprinkle a bit of icing sugar on top of your mince pies to finish them off!


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