Cold Weather Photography in SealSkinz Ultra Grip Gloves

The weather has been mighty cold the last couple of months and I’ve been making the most of it by capturing the freezing mornings with my camera. It’s been so chilly in fact that down by a local river, icicles have been forming from splashes the water makes on it’s way down the valley and out to sea.

Cold River Icicle

I enjoy a brisk morning as much as the next man but after a while crouched on the cold ground, trying to use a camera with numb hands becomes a tad annoying. That’s why I’ve recently invested in a pair of SealSkinz Ultra Grip Gloves
(Top Tip I bought them over at Nightgear as they have almost a third off at the moment!)

There are few things that I absolutely love about these SealSkinz:

First off, the palms and fingers of the gloves are covered in little raised dots, these make the gloves a lot more grippy than any other glove of this sort that I’ve ever warn. This made them fantastic for using with a camera and the SLR always felt safe and stable in my hands. As the grip is so good, not only are these gloves great for photography but they also make great driving gloves on cold mornings.

SealSkinz Gloves

Secondly they have a close fitting design which means that the merino wool inner sits right next to your skin and this improves its wicking performance. What is even better is that the gloves extend down your wrist further than most gloves and will tuck right up into the cuffs of your coat, this stops any cold patches on your wrists.

SealSkinz Gloves Grip

Thirdly they have a waterproof membrane which stops you getting soggy gloves that only serve to make your fingers even colder. I’ve spent ages in these gloves in cold, damp conditions and my fingers have always stayed dry and comfortable. If you need gloves that aren’t going to hinder your dexterity whilst keeping your hands warm and dry, I’d definitely recommend SealSkinz Ultra Grip.

SealSkinz Gloves Waterproof

Here are another couple of the photos I managed to capture on some of January’s coldest mornings.

Cold River Photographs


1 Comment

  1. May 28, 2014 / 4:44 am

    This really great of Secondly they have a close fitting design which means that the merino wool inner sits right next to your skin and this improves its wicking performance. What is even better is that the gloves extend down your wrist further than most gloves and will tuck right up into the cuffs of your coat, this stops any cold patches on your wrists.

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