I love trailers, a good trailer can get you so excited and psyched about an upcoming television program, film or game. There have been a few awesome previews recently and 2014 looks like it’s going to be an awesome year for entertainment. I know that I’m going to need to find some time over the coming months to sit down in front of my new swanky television. It is definitely going to get some serious viewing!
I’ve gathered together four of the best trailers that I’ve seen so far this year. So that just in case you’ve missed them, you can catch up and watch these beauties. I hope you get as stoked about them as I am!
Game of Thrones Season 4 – Trailer #2 – Vengeance
I’ve put this one at the top as It’s the biggest one for me. This is easily the greatest television event of the year. I love Game of Thrones so much and now Breaking Bad is over, it’s the only program I’m going to get really pumped about.
The trailer shows you tiny snippets of lots of different characters and places from the Game of Thrones universe. It looks really intense, but at the same time doesn’t give anything away! Tantalizing.
Godzilla – Official Main Trailer
Compared to the awful 1998 Godzilla movie this one looks like it’s going to be a real smash. Unlike the 1998 film this one looks gritty, exciting and as it stars Bryan Cranston you can guarantee it’s going to be well acted.
A Million Ways To Die In The West – Trailer
Written and starring Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy and the brilliant movie Ted, this has got to be a sure fired hilarious hit! It’s a comedy set in the wild west and looks to be in a similar vein and style of humour to Ted which I’m sure will please Seth’s fans.
ALIEN: Isolation Xbox Trailer
I wanted to include a game trailer in this article and Goat Simulator was on the cards, but then I spotted this awesome looking sneak peak lurking on youtube. To be honest I’m a little bit down on my gaming news and knowledge at the moment (I still haven’t got half way through GTAV) but this game got me totally excited. It’s a first person horror game set in the Alien universe and looks very close to the style of the original Ridley Scott masterpiece.