Traditional Beer Steins

I love trying new beers, It’s literally one of my favourite things. I very rarely go into a watering hole and don’t check out the new or unusual beers that I don’t recognise. It’s this variety and selection that converted me from being a boring lager drinker; constantly picking the same beverage, to an experimental ale enthusiast.

The best place to go and sample new and exciting beers is without a shadow of a doubt a beer festival. They are a true special occasion in my books as you can go and have your pick from literally hundreds of beers from around the country. There are only two very small problems with beer festivals though.

1. The frequency – they just don’t happen often enough (which is strange because there must be demand).


2. The lack of global beers at most beer fests.

If you want a true international beer festival. I suggest you do what we do and hold your own bottled beer festival. It’s easy, just pop to your local beer merchant and purchase a large selection of bottles, from all over the world, for you and your friends. Then just get drinking!

Bottled Beer Selection
For our last bottled beer fest I decided to bring an air of grandeur to it and got some traditional beer steins for the occasion. I got these from drinkstuff, one stein is decorated with a scene of ducks and the other with wild boars.

These glasses definitely add something to the drinking and make the beer festival that little bit more special. They are made with a really heavy base and feel great to hold and drink from.

Duck Beer Stein
The original steins, which were developed hundreds of years ago, had lids to stop flies and nasties getting into your suds. Nowadays you don’t really need to worry about bugs getting into your drink but it’s still darn cool to pop open the classic pewter flip lid and have a sip!

The lids on these two steins are not just your run of the mill tops though, they’re embossed with a duck and a boar respectively. The lids are made with the same high quality and attention to detail as the rest of the glass.

Duck Beer Stein Close Up
I love how well decorated the glasses are, the design goes right the way around the glass and just looks superb from every angle. These are definitely glasses to bring out on special occasions and add a memorable touch to any drink! They are particularly striking when filled with your favourite beer and are great fun to drink from.

Bore Beer Stein
To top off the perfect bottled beer festival, having drunk from such awesome steins, you need a true feast. I’m going to let you in on secret and tell you about one of my signature recipes. This is a fan favourite and an uber easy pizza recipe (if you can actually call it a recipe).

You get a plain cheese and tomato pizza, you know the bog standard type that are normally a pound in the freezer section. You then get a pack of popcorn chicken (which is also about a quid in the freezer), cook it all up and then serve the popcorn chicken on-top of the pizza. Voila a popcorn chicken pizza – delicious!

P.S. It’s even better with BBQ sauce.

Popcorn Chicken Pizza


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