As you will have hopefully already read about here (belt) and here (wallet), I’m a massive fan of Colville Leather and their awesome slow fashion, handcrafted wares. Matt creates all of their products from scratch, with his own bare hands and uses leather which is sourced and tanned in the UK.
I just thought I’d share with you two things, firstly a really cool KickStarter campaign Colville are running to get your hands on some really tasty and desirable Oak Bark Tanned leather belts. I must say that I’m the lucky owner of a Colville Leather Belt and I wear it everyday and absolutely love it. I wear it with everything – shorts, jeans, chinos and suits and it always looks timeless and amazing.
The second things I’d really like to share with you all is an incredible video about the leather and how Colville use it to create incredible things that will last a lifetime and as Matt says, “your grandchildren will be arguing over!” One warning though, once you’ve watched this video and realised how different and much, much better these belts are from normal high street, fast, disposable fashion – you will want to buy one. They are easy to justify though as if you buy a Colville Leather belt, you will never, ever have to buy another belt in your life (well except maybe one in another colour!) Enjoy the video, pledge on KickStarter and love your awesome belt.